PIONEER MIGHTY SEAL SANITARY WHITE EPOXY COMPOUND is a hand kneadable, two parts, Fast curing Epoxy Putty, specially prepared to work on diverse materials. This Epoxy compound is useful for permanent repairs, bonding, sealing, filling and joining of Metals, Wood, Glass, rubber & most plastics in combination with each other.
- Excellent resistance to hydro carbons, moisture, saline weather and saline water, oil, minerals, solvents, mild acids and alkalise, etc.
- Excellent Bonding strength
- Two component to be mixed 1:1 ratio (Base + Hardener)
- Easy to apply and spread over a variety of materials
- Appearance : Resin: White / Hardener: White
- Work time : 20 min
- Curing time : 50-60 min
- Shelf life : 12 months
- Metal Parts, Leaky Pipes, rust, automobile and household applications, Cold weld and other applications.
- Plumbing, automotive ceramic, Tiles Sealing, Stops leakages, electrical, repair and fills the gaps.
Pioneer Mighty Seal Sanitary is available in 60g, 100g, and 1kg.