PIONEER MIGHTY BOND Cyanoacrylate Adhesive is a high strength, fast setting adhesive which can be used for virtually any type of fastening job. Pioneer Mighty Bond has become one unique product featuring with the fastest setting ability in the realm of Cyanoacrylates Adhesive. Pioneer Mighty Bond is especially designed for bonding and repairing applications. Better efficiency and quality combined with cost saving have made Pioneer Mighty Bond to be a substitute for repair material. When a thin layer of Pioneer Mighty Bond applied between two surfaces comes into contact with atmospheric moisture, a rapid polymerization occurs, producing the ultimate bond.
- High strength
- Unique fast setting strong bonds on a wide variety of substrates
- Used for bonding porous and non-porous materials
- Appearance : Clear
- Glass Transition Temperature : 121°C
- Full Cure Time : 24 hours
- Temperature Range (°C) : -54 to 82°C
Rubber, Wood, Metal, Leather, PVC, Plastic. Glass, Flex, Granite Marble, Ceramic
Bottle: 20 g Mighty Bond (108,504)